
Esomeprazole,soldunderthebrandnameNexium[orNeksium]amongothers,isamedicationwhichreducesstomachacid....Itisusedtotreatgastroesophageal ...,由STalpes著作·2005·被引用9次—Objective:ToinvestigatethebioequivalenceofesomeprazoleMUPS40mgtabletsadministeredwithandwithoutahardgelatinecapsule.,藥品圖片:.藥品名稱:,Nexium.中文名稱:,耐適恩錠40毫克.學名/成分:,Esomeprazole(asmagnesium3H2O).健保代號:,BC2...


Esomeprazole, sold under the brand name Nexium [or Neksium] among others, is a medication which reduces stomach acid. ... It is used to treat gastroesophageal ...

Esomeprazole MUPS 40 mg tablets and ...

由 S Talpes 著作 · 2005 · 被引用 9 次 — Objective: To investigate the bioequivalence of esomeprazole MUPS 40 mg tablets administered with and without a hard gelatine capsule.

Nexium (耐適恩錠40毫克)

藥品圖片:. 藥品名稱:, Nexium. 中文名稱:, 耐適恩錠40毫克. 學名/成分:, Esomeprazole (as magnesium 3H2O). 健保代號:, BC23221100. 單位:, 40mg/TAB.

Nexium Tab 40mg (耐適恩錠)

Nexium Tab 40mg. (耐適恩錠). 學名:Esomeprazole 錠. 商品名:Nexium Tab 40mg(臺灣阿斯特捷利康). 中文名:耐適恩錠40 公絲. 藥品外觀:紅橙色橢圓錠,一面有「A EI ...

NexiumNexium MUPS

Nexium MUPS: Each tablet contains: 20 mg or 40 mg esomeprazole (as magnesium trihydrate). Excipients: Nexium 20 mg: Sucrose 28 mg. Nexium 40 mg: Sucrose 30 mg.

Oral pharmaceutical formulations of esomeprazole in the ...

2012年2月9日 — In tablets or capsules of the MUPS (Multi Unit Pellet System) type, in contrast, the residence time in the stomach is short because the tablets ...

What are the uses of Nexium mups 40mg?

Nexium Mups 40mg is an oral medication for the treatment of stomach ulcers with the main active ingredient being Esomeprazole. Refer to the article below to ...

【篤實關懷倫理卓越】光田綜合醫院Kuang Tien General ...

藥理作用 · Esomeprazole為一弱鹼,會在胃壁細胞內分泌小管之高度酸性環境下集中,並轉化成活性型,其可抑制酸幫浦:H+-K+-ATP酵素,因此對基礎胃酸分泌及因刺激產生之胃酸 ...

埃索美拉唑(Esomeprazole) :用途功效

埃索美拉唑(Esomeprazole,商品名:安保樂、癒胃康),常用於治療某些胃部和食道的疾病,如胃食道逆流和潰瘍。此藥屬於一種氫離子幫浦抑制劑,主要作用是抑制胃酸分泌,減少 ...


各藥錠含有20 mg 或40 mg 的esomeprazole (以magnesium trihydrate 化合物形式存在)。 所含之賦形劑,請參閱【賦形劑內容表】。 劑型. 耐胃酸 ...